I was
going to New Jersey to visit my cousin, but my parents recommended me to study English
while I am in the United States. Therefore, I enrolled in Fairleigh Dickinson
University for English study for 6 months. I did not know about New Jersey, so I
thought it was a small town, but actually it was huge. However, the school was
near my cousin’s house, so the public transportation was enough for me. There
are 30 lessons a week, it is an intensive program. I thought it would be too
much for me at the beginning, but as I got used to it, it was easier. Also I
made many friends, so speaking English was becoming more fun for me too. I was
really weak at speaking before, but as I studied hard in this school, I became
more confident in speaking. There are many Asians in the class. The town around
the school is really pretty too, it is good for a walk. Moreover, it takes 25
minutes to go to Time Square in New York, so travelling was convenient. How I
studied English was much different from Korean style studying! So if anyone is
coming to New Jersey, I recommend ELS.
미국 뉴저지에 살고있는 친척집에 놀러가려고 하다가 어차피 휴학하고 놀러가는김에 어학연수를 하고 오면 좋겠다. 해서 뉴저지 테넥에 있는 페얼리 딕킨슨 ELS랭귀지센터에서 6개월동안 어학연수를 마쳤습니다. 뉴저지가 굉장히 작은동네일거라고 생각했는데, 어마어마하게 넓고 커서 깜짝놀랐어요. 그래도 친척집에서 버스를타면 금방 가기 때문에 다니기 편했어요. 저는 1주일에 30레슨을 듣는 인텐시브 영어프로그램을 들었는데, 처음엔 너무 빡센것 같아서 조금 힘들었는데 금새 영어가 늘고 친구들을 사귀면서 영어에 재미가 붙게되었어요. 영어공부는 꾸준히 해왔지만 영어 스피킹에 자신이 없었는데, 학교에서 계속해서 단어공부를 하고 말하기 수업을 듣다보니 자신감이 붙었어요. 외국인 비율은 한국인도 꽤 있고 일본인 중국인 아시아인이 제일 많아요. 그리고 테넥은 잘사는 동네라서 동네도 예쁘고 산책하기도 좋아요. 버스로 25분이면 타임스퀘어까지 가기때문에 뉴욕에 놀러가기도 너무좋았구요. ELS는 인증된 어학연수기관인만큼 영어공부에 있어서는 걱정안하셔두되요. 한국에서 영어공부하는거랑은 차원이 달라요! 뉴저지로 오시는분들은 이왕이면 ELS에서 들으시는걸 추천해요.