世界的に有名な大学なハーバード大学、MIT、ボストン大学の地元です。ボストンは、世界で最も様々な国籍の学生が勉強しています。ニューイングランドの文化、ビジネス、教育のことです。ボストンは、美術館の、波ヌルホールマーケット、ジョン·F·ケネディ大統領図書館と博物館などの多くの魅力的な観光スポットを提供しています。学生は、ブラックベイ、ボストンの小さなイタリア、チャイナタウンなど、この美しい街のあちこちに便利な地下鉄に乗って移動することができます。週末には、FLSからの素晴らしい景観を持つCape Cod、historic Salem、Plimoth Plantation and Vermont's beautiful Green Mountainsなどでの旅行を提供しています。ボストンは明確な四季があり、春と秋は6-12度の適切な気候です。冬は非常に雪が多くて寒いですが、夏は晴れて15-28度程度の暑めの気候です。
By Sungmo Han(Mark) [2017-12-12 09:43:14] LIKE : 1691
Sungmo Han(Mark)
My experiences at FLS
Hello, this is Sungmo Han (Mark) who has been learning English at FLS for about 1 year. I
have had a great time here and lots of new and wonderful experiences with FLS. In this
writing, I am willing to share what I have felt and experienced while studying here so that
other students get some advice and better opportunities before they start their ESL program.
Learning English with qualified professional teachers
There is no doubt that English has become significant as a global language in the world. For
that reason, a large number of people are trying to learn English to communicate with others
from different countries or to have better chances in their lives. They have a strong desire to
speak English fluently. To be honest, it doesn't seem impossible that people learn English by
themselves in Korea. However, there are obviously limitations if they don't have professional
native speaking teachers. Students are able to take their classes with qualified professional
teachers who have PHD degrees of educating, which means students have higher possibilities
of improving their English compared to others who practice English by themselves in Korea.
Students who will study at FLS are surely going to be exposed to English all the time.
Besides teachers, students can practice their English with friends that have different accents.
English is no longer a single language that Americans or British are using. Students would
work with someone in the future who is not a native speaker but speaking English well. They
may have specific accents which sound unfamiliar, but if students study at FLS, they can get
used to various accents by talking to FLS friends. By doing so, they can understand English
spoken by foreigners easily.
Making new friends from all over the world
According to one TED talk video, The danger of a single story by Chmamanda Ngozi
Adichi, it is dangerous and negative to have misconceptions. Misconceptions would turn
people into future racists, which means they can't accept differences and hardly understand
others. However, the world has become one, and it turns out essential to communicate with
diverse people from different countries and consider their differences. Therefore, people
should bash their single stories so that they can accept different cultures easily. Then, what is
the best and easiest way to debunk stereotypes? It is making new friends from all over the
world. Students can learn different cultures and accept them naturally and joyfully by
hanging out with their global friends at FLS. Aside from breaking a single story, there is
another positive side of making new global friends. Students can visit each other's countries.
In my case, I am going to Colombia soon thanks to one Colombian friend who used to study
with me at FLS and invited me to his house in Colombia. He also promised to visit Korea
next year. Students may be able to travel with their local friends in different countries.
Good chance to travel all over the US
The U.S. is one of the most interesting countries in the world, because of its size the U.S. is
definitely massive and each state has totally different lifestyles. FLS has several branches in
different areas such as Boston, New York, LA, Las Vegas and so on. Students at FLS can
transfer to another branch. It would help them to have extremely different experiences. In
addition, they travel within the U.S. easily by moving to another branch or taking a vacation.
Honestly, it is not easy to come and travel in the U.S. for Korean students. However, once
they start studying in the U.S., it is a good chance to travel here, and in terms of material it is
much more economical rather than starting to travel from Korea, because they can use
domestic airlines for their journey in the U.S., which are less expensive. I have been to Miami,
Las Vegas, San Diego, LA, Boston, New York, Washington DC, Chicago and so on. As I
mentioned some cities in the U.S., I have been to lots of places in United States and I could
figure out why and how United States has become the most powerful country. As I mentioned
earlier, each city or each state has particular cultures and life styles, and incredibly these
different cultures are combined and coexist perfectly. I encourage students to travel a lot in
United States, so that they can expand their points of view about the world.
FLS offers their students interesting activities.
Even though I came here to learn English, if I took only classes in a classroom, I would get
bored and lose my interests towards English. However, fortunately FLS always prepares
various activities for their students. The most impressive one that I have done recently is a
field trip to test a new app. We took a fieldtrip to CENGAGE and tested their new app and
gave them our opinions or feedback about the new app. It was a great experience, because I
could visit their office and get to know how they worked and developed their app. FLS has
always tried its best to make their students get interested and experience new things.
From now on, I will talk about my regret. It is not about FLS. It is all about myself. I used to
think that I should focus on practicing speaking, because it was difficult to practice speaking
in Korea and I wanted to speak in English fluently so that I could have a conversation with
others. As a result, I have neglected other parts such as reading, writing and listening.
However, it was my mistake. Everything is related. For example, I could learn new slang by
reading something and practice them by talking to somebody or I could acquire new
expressions by listening and use them in my writing. Each part of English would help to
improve other parts of English. Therefore, I want other students not to focus on only one part,
and the best way to practice all elements in English is to take a TOEFL class. In TOEFL class,
I could learn more academic English, which is an amalgam of all the very useful skills you
need to practice towards your academic success.
I have written some of my experiences and thoughts that I have had at FLS, and hopefully it
is helpful advice for new students. Thank you for reading it.